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Molly Ijames
Molly Ijames was born in Flint, Michigan, and holds a B.S. in Music Education. After several years of teaching after college, she moved to Greenville, SC to write for a small publishing company, and her compositions quickly became widely recognized as they expanded to other publishing companies. Her music ministry grew, reaching local church congregations, community choirs, educational institutions, and national choral conferences.
She is now well known for her hundreds of piano, choral, and instrumental compositions and arrangements in various catalogs, with a spotlight on the artistry within her piano accompaniments. Her keyboard mastery is often the vehicle in which her influence of musicianship is imposed.
Molly’s passion is for spiritual truth and graceful artistry to blend together to lift the human heart and sing in praise to God and to each other. She is frequently called upon to teach music at conferences, play in local churches, plan corporate worship, and accompany congregational singing. Her heart remains deeply moved to accompany congregations with strength and beauty, so that through their musical expression, “one generation will praise His works to another, and declare His mighty acts.” (Psalm 145:4)
She resides in Davison, MI and remains active as the pianist for her church’s worship services.